Recover Strong 

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

Stop binge eating for good.

Did you know that Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common Eating Disorder?

BED surpasses both Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa is numbers in North America. And yet, it is under-diagnosed and under-treated.

Most people with Binge Eating Disorder suffer alone, believing they have a character flaw or willpower issue.

In fact, shame is one of the hallmarks of Binge Eating Disorder.

It does not need to be so.

There are effective science-backed interventions for Binge Eating Disorder that have been proven in studies to bring freedom and remission.


Recover Strong

Recover Strong is an 8-week 1:1 treatment program based on principles from cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders (CBT-T). This evidence-based program has been proven to reduce binge eating and improve relationship to body, food and self. Through Recover Strong, you will reduce binges and achieve healthy eating habits. You'll clear up the mind chatter around food and feel in control again.

Recover Strong may also address negative emotions associated with BED, concerns such as body dissatisfaction, body checking or avoidance, and comparison with others. You will work towards body acceptance and an improved relationship with self.

The program will conclude with a focus on relapse prevention, as well as a one-month follow up session to ensure the reduction or elimination of binges.

You'll leave this program confident and in control in the face of all foods and empowered in your relationship with yourself.

Stop the binge-shame-restrict cycle once and for all.

Recover Strong is available virtually to clients across Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The first step is to book a comprehensive Binge Eating Disorder Consultation with one of our CBT-trained Dietitians, Ina Benkova, RD or Victoria Upshaw, RD. They will review your medical history, binge eating patterns, and discuss the program to ensure that it is the right fit for you.

  • Binge Eating Disorder is not just overeating or even compulsive overeating. BED is a medical diagnosis that involves eating very large amounts of food over a short period of time, in a way that feels out of control, at least once weekly for 3 months or more. BED is distinct from Bulimia in that there are no compensatory behaviours (no vomiting, no laxative use, no excessive exercise).

    BED does not discriminate based on size. BED can occur in individuals with all different body sizes.

    ¹ Hudson JI, et al. Biol Psychiatry 2007;61(3):348-58.

  • The exact cause remains unknown. However several risk factors for BED have been identified including family history, chemicals in the brain, certain life experiences, and other mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, ADHD).

  • Binge Eating Disorder is diagnosed by a physician, psychiatrist or qualified psychotherapist.

    The DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Binge Eating Disorder include

    Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:

    Eating, in a discrete period of time (for example, within any two-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances

    A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (for example, a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating)

    The binge-eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following:

    Eating much more rapidly than normal

    Eating until feeling uncomfortably full

    Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry

    Eating alone because of feeling embarrassed by how much one is eating

    Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty afterwards

    Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.

    The binge eating occurs, on average, at least once a week for three months.

    The binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behavior (for example, purging) and does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.

    Weight and appearance are not part of the diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder.

  • BED can be effectively treated with different forms of psychotherapy including cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy.

    There are also medications that can be effective. In Canada, the only approved medication for BED is Lisdexamfetamine, a stimulant medication that should be prescribed under medical supervision only.

    Our treatment program is based on CBT-T principles for Binge Eating Disorder. It is an intensive coaching program that requires the full participation of the individual. Success requires a commitment to do the work to finally be well and overcome the eating disorder. This requires doing, not just learning.

  • Recover Strong is available to all genders, ages 18 years and over. This program is available to clients in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, as long as you are able to work within Eastern Standard Time (EST) business hours and have a stable internet connection for video calling.

  • ItemYes! Many clients are able to have this program covered by their private health insurance. Coverage would fall under Registered Dietitian or Psychotherapy. Receipts will be provided after each session so you can claim with your insurance plan. description

  • The total cost for Recover Strong is $1,997 CAD. Each 60-minute session is $210 and insurance receipts are provided. There are 9 sessions in total. The cost includes the registration fee of $107.

Recover Strong

Recover Strong is an 8-week 1:1 virtual treatment program based on cognitive behavioural therapy for binge eating disorder (CBT-T). This evidence-based program has been proven to reduce binge eating and food guilt, to help clients reach food freedom and body acceptance.

With an impressive track record from 2022 until now, our program has been helping clients achieve amazing results:

  • 98% Success Rate - By the 10th session, all clients reported successfully breaking the binge eating cycle for more than a week.

  • 92% Continued Success - 1 month after the program, 92% of clients reported no further binge episodes.

  • 93% Lasting Transformation - 3 months post-program, 93% of clients had completely stopped binge eating.

Unlock the Key to Freedom from Binge Eating

How Recover Strong Can Help You

Recover Strong is based on the research of CBT-T. One of our CBT-trained Registered Dietitians or Psychotherapists will guide you through the 8-week program to ensure that you learn to:

  • eat in a way that supports your body and your brain

  • re-gain control of your fear foods

  • build skills to address emotional eating triggers

  • address any body image challenges such as body dissatisfaction, body checking or avoidance, comparison with others 

  • work toward body acceptance and an improved relationship with self and food

  • focus on relapse prevention, with a 1-month follow up session to ensure the reduction or elimination of binges

For those who like details...

  • 8 weekly, individual 60-minute virtual coaching sessions with a BED-trained Registered Dietitian

  • Progress Assessment at Week 4 (if successful dietary change hasn't been made then the Program stops here and the remaining Program Fee is refunded)

  • 1 month follow-up session to ensure reduction or elimination of binges and prevent relapse

  • Weekly Food Logs and homework are mandatory for a successful outcome

  • This Program requires a willingness to do the work. It's not just about knowledge, it requires a commitment to application with support and guidance from your Dietitian.

Requirements of this program:

  • a confirmed diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder or completed self-assessment

  • attendance at all 8 weekly sessions plus the one-month follow up

  • commitment to safety (no self-harm)

  • commitment to no dieting for weight loss during the 3-month intervention

  • commitment to complete the food diaries and homework exercises

Victoria Upshaw, RD

CBT and DBT for Binge Eating recovery

Ina Benkova, RD

CBT and DBT for Binge Eating recovery

We help people Recover Strong so they can gain freedom and reclaim their life from Binge Eating Disorder.

You can be next.